I wake up inside wee hours already mad, which is fear. I'm not afraid of flying on planes. I am afraid of people, including Nebraska. The White Men of the world only do one thing re the rest of us: Take. I'm skinny as a rail, as if they're feeding off me. Because of course they are.
How to feed off them in return is what I should be honing. You would think that now surrounded by nothing but that skill to extract, that I'd be more adept at it. I'm not, which means I just do not want to be (No.)
The poor students. So many will succumb to being assholes, sucked into it, disappeared by the sphincter forever.
Nebraska loves me with his whole (extractive manipulative) heart. Even the anaconda hex is merely description of what already is. He will be be fine. I'll ask him how many raises and bonuses and added titles he's gotten out of this - let's compare, you're the walrus who ate the trusting oysters. I'll do that right before dinner with the Dean and priest, for which I have an aggressively chaste dress. And a quiver of pointed quiet words. It won't last a minute, maybe even just a few seconds, but I will infuse them with shame. One unassuming drop of dye in a glass of water. What color? Blue, a deeply blue.
The aspects point to work that takes surprising turns and tones. Get creative and you can turn tasks into a sensory experience — feeling the warm water as you wash dishes or cranking up your favorite playlist and dancing your way through a responsibility. Connect chores to something you already love and they become a playful indulgence. General advice today. Sounds like coworkers joking over sweater pants, but. "Something you already love." What is that anchor here?
What (WHOM) I love / Category
cystic fibrosis - chronic illness
PTSD - hidden disability
Transplants/stiples - radical invasions of the body
Catheters - healing snaked into the body by highly skilled charmers
Dying - hospice vs palliative vs denial ft. families vs race vs gender ft SDOH ft. 🤯
OVERALL I hate (bc love hurts): Denegrations of so many kinds and the care providers who just take it, from baby age through to burnt out everyday angry empathy drained wordless husks of what they set out to be. Only really entitled white guys seem safe. But you mark my words, even that gelatinous bullhorn will melt into a fuming ball of helpless goo, and the person rolling him side to side to change his sheet and check for sores will get no respect, likely be brown, and he will be POWERLESS and ABUSIVE toward their caring. How did you treat the powerless today? That's what you'll get, or nothing at all. And that is how I turn fear to righteous anger every day of my working life. And all I do is work. How do I make that fun for me? I have no fucking idea right now.
who do you love? - repost tell me lalalaaa