I accidentally fucked a cactus - unboken vinyl "you're the first person I thought of", says the friend who sent this 🤣
Appropriate for the 🌵 landscape. Did you know that if they have arms and look like giant prickly dickshaped dudes, they gotta be at least my age? Fun fact. I wish humans were so easy to peg.
Here is another thing I have learned: the sexism of men my age, that strain of sexism in particular, is annoying af. Huge turn off. If one more man my age-ish says "what a good idea!" at me, with delighted surprise as if a dog just spoke, I might fuck em w DIY saguaro strap-on, indeed.
Again, why? Why would the dictators be be concerning themselves with the most vulnerable women, most frightened, the most likely to hide and quietly live, challenging nobody? It's not trans women you should fear, buddy. It's me you should worry about if you don't want your world turned upside down. (Or do you want that? An honest question 🤔)