Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I just started a new novel, The Mercies, all the men are gone and the women are snowed in indefinitely...I wonder if they shall order 5guys from grubhub 🤔 

This is historical fiction about a nordic witch trial calamity but it gives me the idea to write a COVID version in which the same things all occur except the men who show up to burn women at the stake are instacart and grubhub dudes who know the witches by their order histories. Evidence is easy to come by: Votive candles in various colors, obscure baking ingredients like anchovy paste and semolina flour, dark chocolate and flowers to appease them, fast food binges once a moon. And booze. The witches unknowingly sign confessions of hellish cavorting every time they let the UPS guy sign for their booze for them. The mild mannered black UPS guys feel bad for the witches, but they have to go along with it - their white male bosses' imagined slights by women are an endless hunger of rage and the UPS guys don't want that turned on them some more, Goddess knows, and it's the white witches who order most of the Splash Wine, so they may have it coming. The narrators are the puppies and kittens that all these witches have adopted in what the animals call the pandemic, i.e. The Great Pet Hoarding.  The Gossip - Where The Girls Are