Thursday, May 28, 2020

Jasper is dying. Mid pandemic, he's just dying of death. I find him at all hours hiding in weird places and cold. I study food. I've always studied food, from my dad's make your own wine phase when I was 6 through our try the meat of every varmant phase, through (by proxy) the hippie homeschooling of Spider Lily milling her own wheat berries for pizza with pecans and jalapenos (I still make that recipe), through the revelation of NEW YORK (bagels, majoram, butter lambs, wings, ACTUAL pizza) and my sexy adventures of meat boards and shallot butter.

But Jasper is Just Plain Old. There is no way to feed someone out of that forever.

There is no way to homecook homeschool home ec arts your way out of Revelations - is there?

Morrissey - I'm not a dog the Elon of pop music. Brilliant ft. Douchebag