Friday, September 28, 2018

VIRGO: You will have a rare morning with no meeting so you will sleep in, waking to the doorbell, letting the new remodeler (who looks even better/greeker in daylight) in to walk behind you up the stairs to your bedroom, where you will lie back down. If you were any other sign in the zodiac (except Capricorn, which is even more uptight), you'd be getting laid. But you are a Virgo so even though you know damn well sweet Greek is thinking about your ass right now in the attic right above you where you can hear him screwing things, and you don't owe anything to anybody since you aren't dating anyone (grrrrrrr), you are going to get dressed and go to work. Wearing a low back top and skin tight pants and leaving a disconcerting trail of thick pheromones everywhere you go, crabby as hell for the rest of the day.

No song. (When is the last time you gave anybody a song? Hrmph)