Monday, August 15, 2016

the Virgo perspective

VIRGO You have easier access to the heart of your love than you have in a long time. What gives you this open door? Trust. You've earned it by doing as you say you will or better.

(doubt ft. shrug)

What I've earned from that is trust in myself. What I want now are people around me that I can trust even half that much. In whatever category. Trust to look for as much humor in everything. To be as grateful for a body. To give as much thanks for blessings. To live by priciples they hold themselves steady by as best they can, always trying. To reflect as much. To honor as much. To cherish as much. To take to heart the pleasure there is in providing for another. Even half as much. When is the last time you put your whole self into making someone else's day? Start there then put one foot in front of the other, is how you get to where you might be someone who could make another person's life better for your being in it. ....