Wednesday, October 06, 2010

VIRGO, While you listen to music, relax, enjoy some light reading or just browse the pictures in a magazine, your intelligence will be increased with very little effort on your part.

So it begins again. Ears, in trouble at school. As per usual: He didn't have the worksheet, the worksheet, the worksheet. Does he not have the skill or knowledge necessary? O no, he can do it, he just doesn't. Well, if he can already, what is he LEARNING by completing the worksheet? (blank stares) And he sings. He sings? Yes, he sings in classes that aren't music class. Like, rude bar songs or . . ? No no, he just sings under his breath, it's distracting and shows he's not paying attention. (pause) Bru, were you singing today? Yeah (looking miserable), maybe. What were you singing? Probably smoke on the water. When you were supposed to be filling out a worksheet? No, I think it was in art class. Ok Bru, can you wait in the hallway for a second?

Insert here: me ripping his teachers a new butthole per.

Every teacher who can simply refrain from taking a piss on a child's natural curiosity is worth his/her weight in solid gold.